Winter 2010      


In this issue:

Latest News
Here to Help
Work Permit
Tips for Success
Feature Degree

Apply to Study


At some point, all students get off track or encounter a particularly difficult educational obstacle. Students may feel overwhelmed and frustrated, and want someone to talk to. The Canadian Education Network (CEN) knows that even the best of students need assistance on occasion and so, is there to help students by providing a full range of academic support services. Here are two ways our services might help you:




Annual application deadlines are approaching quickly, with most set to the end of February for students looking for a September 2010 start date. Deadlines vary among programs and universities, but in most cases, students must apply by the spring and provide other requirements (such as a minimum TOEFL score) by June in order to be considered for admission.

Before applying, we always recommend a study plan consultation with CEN so that we can make sure you are on the right track and applying to the proper schools for your program. Our study plan consultation is a complimentary service offered to all students interested in Canada. If you need quick help to make sure you meet this year’s deadlines, feel free to get in touch with CEN right away.

Here’s how you can get started:

If you have some general questions about studying in Canada and would like more information before proceeding with a consultation, please feel free to contact us at: info@caneducation.com 

We look forward to fast-tracking your higher education in Canada.


Post-Graduation Work Permit Program

International students who have graduated from a Canadian university or college may be eligible to apply for the Post-Graduation Work Permit. The Post-Graduation Work Permit Program is designed to allow students who have graduated from participating Canadian post-secondary institutions to gain valuable Canadian work experience.

There are several advantages to this program:

(1) The permit can be issued up to a maximum of three years (depending on the duration of the academic program), regardless of geographical location within Canada.

(2) Students are not required to find a job related to their field of study.

(3) Students do not need a job offer to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit.

To be eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit, there are several criteria that students must meet. Some of the notable requirements are that students must possess a valid study permit; must have graduated from an eligible program at a Canadian post-secondary institution; and must apply for the permit within 90 days of the last day of classes in their final semester.

The Post-Graduation Work Permit is a good option to consider and may provide a good opportunity for those who are nearing graduation or have recently graduated and are planning their careers. To learn more about this program, please visit Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s website at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index.asp

(All data was provided by Citizenship and Immigration Canada)


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA / B.Com)

A Bachelor of Business Administration or Commerce Degree provides you with all the skills you need to become a successful leader in today's business world. A broad-based liberal education emphasizing critical thinking and adaptability is coupled with intensive technical study in the fundamentals of business and management. Lectures, class discussions, essays, laboratory work and case studies ensure a breadth of experience and the development of your business skills. In their third and fourth years, students concentrate on a major (the field of their degree) from one or more of the following disciplines:

• Finance
• Marketing
• Accounting
• Management
• Industrial Relations
• International Business
• Human Resources Management
• Operations Management
• Sustainable Development
• Asset Management

4 years (average)

- High School Completion (or equivalent) with an average of at least 75%
- English Proficiency: TOEFL 92 (IBT) or IELTS 7.0

Applicants who do not meet the admission requirements can enroll in a university preparation or foundations program to upgrade their English or academic standing.

Why wait till you decide what to study?
Click here to apply today for a bachelor's degree  program or email CEN at info@caneducation.com.

Academic Advising and Graduate Studies

Academic Advising and Graduate Studies: A unique service provided by CEN is to help students prepare for graduate studies while they are still in their undergraduate program. As early as second year, we can begin preparation for graduate studies. Depending on how specialized the graduate program is, CEN can coach students through their undergraduate years - we can inform students of what pre-requisites to take and also on what courses they can take to maximize their candidacy for a certain graduate program. To do so, we draw from our vast experience in placing graduate students successfully at dozens of Canadian universities.

Academic Advising and Future Careers

Academic Advising and Future Careers: Many students are uncertain of what educational route they wish to take. Others may feel that their major does not suit their natural aptitudes or interests. We are all born with our own unique gifts and aptitudes, and often we need some third-party help in discovering them. Our academic advising service helps students explore the possibilities of what programs they are naturally fit to excel in and what they will enjoy. We can offer alternatives at all levels of higher education in Canada to provide students with options that may better suit them.

Please also keep in mind that CEN”s comprehensive list of services also includes:

Tutorial Support & Diagnostic Tests
Student Counseling
Academic Monitoring
Application Assistance

For more information about our services, visit our website at:

English Language Preparation Requires Persistence, Patience and Strategy

Many ESL students ask why Canadian universities and colleges require such a “high” level of English language proficiency for admission and graduation. The requirement does seem difficult for some students; however, it is crucial for their academic success.

Let’s first review the English language proficiency for admission to undergraduate level programs and graduate level programs. In order to enrol in an undergraduate program, students must show proof of English language proficiency equivalent to TOEFL 80 IBT or 213 CBT, or IELTS 6.5. These scores are meant to show the test-writer has English proficiency equivalent to students who have successfully completed Grade 12 English from a Canadian high school. As for admission to a graduate program, because the course materials are more complex and the program will usually involve research, a thesis, or at least projects, students must have a more comprehensive command of the English language. Hence, admission requirements for graduate programs are set higher.

Many students whose first language is not English and who are on a limited timeline to make English language proficiency complain that those test scores are “unachievable”. It is indeed difficult to achieve such a goal within a year. It takes native English speakers over ten years to reach and complete Grade 12. How can someone who does not speak English both inside and outside school expect to obtain English proficiency within such a limited time? If students know themselves and set realistic goals, they take their first step on the successful language preparation journey.

Successful students need to be persistent, patient and strategic. According to second language researchers, learning a second language is a complex process which requires the learner to pass through developmental stages similar to those when learning a first language. Once in Canada, with the increased exposure to the English language, ESL students progress from acquiring conversational language to more complex academic language. Published scientific research shows conversational language can be developed within two to three years. Academic language is defined as the combination of cognitive skills and content knowledge necessary for successful academic performance at secondary and university levels, and it can take a minimum of seven to ten years to achieve academic proficiency if all of the schooling takes place in the second language.

Many students whose first language is not English come to Canada with a certain level of English proficiency because they have been taught English in their home countries. This is good, but it does not necessarily mean they are ready to enter or study at a Canadian university or college.

English language preparation takes persistence, patience and strategy. As an academic advising and support service, we offer the following recommendations:

 • Take a test of English language proficiency before the start of a language preparation program (an unofficial test is ideal and the test must be marked by a qualified marker)

 • Attend classes regularly and participate in class activities

 • Review what is learned and memorize whatever is needed

 • Get the answers to any questions

 • Test English language proficiency and measure progress once every three months (at least once every six months)

 • Identify weaknesses and work on them (self study or find a tutor to work together on those weaknesses)

 • Practise, practise, and practise …

The Canadian Education Network has track record in academic advising and support. We hope to guide every student who is eager to study to the pathway to academic success. For more details about CEN Services, please visit our website at www.caneducation.com



 English Language Studies
 Bachelor's Degree Programs
 Master's and PhD Programs
 KSA Scholarship Students
Diplomas and more...

Click here for program details

or email info@caneducation.com to apply.


EDITORIAL BOARD: Brian Lim, Editor-in-Chief / Jason Chrysomilides, Programming
Contributing Editors: Laura Liu / Jay Choi / George Psiharis